[Photo of such old book, source: Gazeta.pl]
In 1954 in the Polish People's Republic, Books Of Complaints And Requests were introduced. They were mandatory in stores, dining establishments and train stations.
Such book was a notebook, which had to be placed in a visible place, accessible to customers. The customers could write complaints and praises in it. Each page was divided into 2 parts - upper one for the customer's text and lower for employee's answer or explanation. Too many complaints had consequences for employees such as reprimand, lower wage or being moved to a different job.
Not many of the books survived, since it wasn't mandatory to archive them.
Here are some complaints and praises, which survived to this day:
"I asked for milk with a yellow cap, but the expeditor refused to sell it to me, explaining that it was tomorrow's milk, with tomorrow's date on the cap. Please explain to me why the milk on May 3 is dated May 4, and whether the expediter could refuse to sell me this milk."
- Janina Michalak, 1987.
The manager's explanation: "Fat milk with a yellow cap is delivered at noon and at the same time is an advance for the next day. Please come tomorrow, and it will be!"
"I would like to express my thanks to the management for changing the former staff with the management at the head of our store. The current staff is professional and friendly. I get the impression of being served before the war."
- Engineer Stanisław W, veteran, 1988.
"Instead of 3 kg of sugar, the saleswoman sold me 3 kg of Pharaoh ants!"
- Unknown, 1983
The manager's explanation: "The customer was drunk."
"There are various yellow cheeses on display, but they are not on sale in the store. What is the custom of advertising goods that are not in the store. Please explain"
- Tadeusz K, 1983
Manager's explanation: "The store is taking part in a competition, so competition displays were made, on which fake goods were placed. The goods themselves are unfortunately unavailable for a long time already."
"Thank you for the raisins I bought in this store, which I could not get for 2 years in the whole downtown. Especially thanks to the saleswoman who, with a smile, weighed out the desired amount for me."
- Dominika P, 1988.
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